Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pregnancy Week 37: Good ol' KB snatches!

I wasn't sure I'd be able to pull off snatches today, since my pelvis is becoming increasingly loose as this pregnancy continues. I am thankful for that, as it will make birthing much easier, but have to be mindful of my early morning activities (when I feel my pelvis is most lax). This morning, I entertained the idea of doing military presses or jerks to avoid engaging my pelvis too much. I picked up the 10 kg and did a few practice snatches, and everything felt fine....so, I went with it and did my Tuesday snatch workout!

KB snatches (10 kg)
20/20/10/10 R/L alternating with 15/15/15/15 R/L for 5 cycles equaling 600 total snatches

Breakfast (didn't have an appetite):
3 bites of slow cooker beef cooked with coconut milk, garlic, onion, carrot, celery, curry, ginger
3/4 banana
1 plum

3 sunnyside up Omega 3 eggs with sauteed spinach and 1/2 avocado, 2 spoonfuls Organic salsa
2 GF paleo Chocolate chip raisin scones
8 ounces Monavie w/ glucosamine

2 handfuls Organic Dark Chocolate chips

In the late evening, I started feeling crappy. Took a short nap. Laid down for a little while longer...finally, decided it wasn't going to change, so I got up and played with Asher, gave him a bath, helped him get to bed. Still feel hot, nauseated. Didn't really have an appetite, but decided I should eat something:

Bowl of slow cooker beef with carrots and celery with 2 handfuls organic baby spinach, wilted
8 ounces Monavie w/ glucosamine

7 cups water

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