Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pregnancy Week 29: KB workout of the "S"

Now that I'm in my third trimester, I need to focus more on movements that will not only strengthen the musculature supporting my pelvis, but also increase soft tissue flexibility and joint mobility in that area. Today's workout addresses both pelvis stabilization (gluteals and hip musculature) and mobility in a manner necessary for birthing (squats).

KB swings (14 kg) x 60
KB Goblet Squats (12 kg) x 10
Side planks (advanced position) x 20

Repeat each cycle 10x

Large bowl Vitamix drink (1 C coconut milk, 6 Tbsp organic ground flaxseed, 2 Tbsp chia seed, 2 bananas, 1 honeycrisp apple, 2 carrots, 5 stalks kale)

Handful roasted cashews
2 sunnyside up Omega-3 eggs w/ 1/4 avocado
4 slices fresh pineapple

Bowl of sauteed brussels sprouts with Roasted Red Pepper & Spinach Sausages
8 ounces Monavie w/ glucosamine
4 squares Hershey's Pure Dark Chocolate

7 cups water

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