Monday, December 13, 2010

Pregnancy Week 29: Rest

What a day I had yesterday! Or maybe I should rephrase that to say "What a day Adam had yesterday!" Here's the backstory: I had a hard time sleeping Saturday night since I felt like all my insides were being shoved up my throat and I was convinced I would throw it all up at any second (hence, the bucket by the bed). On top of that, if I took anything greater than a shallow breath, I felt tremendous soreness in my chest, as if I was on the verge of getting a cold. For the throw-up feeling, I tried hanging on the pullup bar, rocking on all-fours, lying on my left side, walking around....but it never happened, and after 2 or so hours, the feeling subsided. The sore "throat" feeling, however, lingers to today. It's less so now, so hopefully I can avoid getting sick!

I spent yesterday lying in bed sleeping most of the day. Those who know me know that this is very very strange behavior. Being sore and achy from doing 100 squats on Saturday didn't help much either. Adam got to hang with Asher for the majority of the day. This is usually a fun, but tiring task, since our 19 month old is always on the go. They both survived, and are better for it, I think!

I decided to take another rest day instead of going for a run today. My legs don't feel as heavy and I'm not exhausted like I was the day before, but it just felt right not to try to set any records.

0.5 mile walk with Asher (he walked too) on hilly loop, stop and go toddler pace

Medium bowl of Vitamix drink (from Saturday's mix)
2 kiwis

Spinach salad w/ 1/2 yellow bell pepper, 1/2 wild-caught Rockfish filet (cooked with sea salt & pepper), 1/2 avocado, balsamic vinegar & olive oil

4 stalks sauteed baby bokchoy
1 serving squash
2 slices steak
1/2 tilapia filet
3/4 Bartlett pear
1 square Hershey's Pure Dark Chocolate
handful dried cranberries

6 cups water

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