Friday, November 5, 2010

My Pregnancy Journal

I am 6 months (23 weeks) pregnant with our second child. Nighttime sleep is fragmented into 2-3 hour blocks followed by 1-2 hours of wakefulness. During my first pregnancy with our son Asher, now 18 months, I ate vegetarian; alternated days of running with kettlebell training (using Mike Mahler's 5 pillars of strength format--1 upper body pull, 1 upper body push, 1 lower body pull, 1 lower body push, core), reducing the length/weight by half at 20 weeks; and worked full-time.

This time around, we are eating Paleo-style (meat, veggies/fruits, seeds and nuts; no grains/gluten, no dairy, no processed foods); i alternate days of running with kettlebell training, except I am continuing at my current levels as long as I continue to feel good during/after; I am at home with Asher. My mom was diagnosed with "non-vasculitic autoimmune inflammatory meningoencephalitis" in March. I resigned my position at work in June to help her recover from a brain biopsy. Thankfully, she is getting better. I still spend most of each weekday with her. Because of her illness, we moved to Vancouver, WA to be closer to my parents. We are in the process of opening a Crossfit/Kettlebell facility nearby!

This is my typical exercise schedule. My goal during pregnancy is to maintain my fitness and improve strength to limit the effects of pregnancy hormones on my joints, and to help me with labor and post-partum recovery.

Monday: 3 mile run
Tuesday: KB snatches
Wednesday: 3 mile run
Thursday: KB strength
Friday: 3 mile run
Saturday: KB strength

Today I tried out the 14 kg KB we picked up this weekend:

Clean-press x 6 each side (14 kg)
Multi-directional lunges x 5 each side (12 kg)
Ab roller x 10

Unlimited rest breaks between cycles (typically 1-1.5 minutes) x 10 cycles

3 ounces Mona-vie (acai berry anti-oxidant drink) w/glucosamine
Vita-mix drink (split 70:30 with Asher): 1 C cashew milk (raw cashews pureed in water) w/chia seed; 4 stalks kale; 2 bananas; 1 carrot; 1 honeycrisp apple; 1 orange; 6 Tbsp flaxseed

2 sunnyside up omega 3 eggs
spinach salad (3 handfuls baby spinach, 1 tomato, 1/2 avocado, olive oil-balsamic vinegar dressing)
2 bites "pumpkin nut bar" from The Primal Blueprint Cookbook" by Mark Sisson

4 ounces Mona-vie
Bison meatballs (ground buffalo, green onions, ginger, garlic)
Sauteed cabbage
Half a handful cashews
Half a handful dark chocolate covered raisins
Half of a "Winter Banana" variety apple

6 cups

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