Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pregnancy Week 27: Tuesday snatches!

For the past couple of days, I've felt like my tummy has become larger (baby is growing, yay!) and have wondered if today would be the day I stopped snatching the 12 kg and started using the 10 kg...I practiced a couple times and found that if I did two things: emphasized the hip hinge by really sitting back, and moved my arm laterally towards my thigh on the downswing, I could avoid compressing the belly and yet load my hips to give more explosive power for the overhead portion of the movement. What a fun workout!

In the afternoon, I went to a Myofascial Release session for bodywork to prepare my fascial system for labor, delivery and beyond. Prevention is always the best choice, and preparing my body and mind through physical exercise, manual techniques, visualization/awareness will help with not just pregnancy and birth, but overall function and quality of life. Obviously, there are occasions when preparation and/or prevention is not an option; however, with the mindset of striving for healthy choices and actions during daily activities, the likelihood increases that we will be as prepared as possible to meet any challenge!

Snatches 15/15/15/15 L/R x 10 = 600

2 sunnyside up Omega 3 eggs w/ 1/2 avocado

1 large bowl Vitamix (1.5 C coconut milk, 5 stalks kale, 2 bananas, 1 honeycrisp apple, 1 kiwi, 4 slices fresh pineapple, 6 Tbsp golden ground flaxseed, 2 Tbsp chia seed)
1 Lindor milk chocolate ball
1/2 C sauteed string beans w/ bacon
1/4 C sauteed broccoli

2 gluten free paleo cranberry walnut chocolate chip cookies

1 Turkey drumstick
1 Fuyu persimmon
8 ounces Monavie w/ glucosamine

9 ounces water

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