Monday, November 22, 2010

Pregnancy Week 26: Hilly Solo Run

I guess I ate too much chocolate (dark chocolate, if that helps any!) last night, since I didn't go to sleep until after midnight, and was woken up by Priya (10 YO white german shepherd dog) wanting to go out at 4 a.m. I thought about ignoring her, but then realized that as she is a doggy Senior Citizen, I'd rather get up now than wake up later to clean up her mess...however, pregnancy insomnia kicked in after that, and I stayed awake until 6:30 a.m., when I realized that despite bringing my 14 kg KB into the house to do my workout (it was 33 degrees outside/in the garage gym), I wasn't anywhere near I went back to sleep...and slept through Adam's alarms, showering, getting dressed, and Asher waking up (this last bit got incorporated into my dreams). I'm normally a light sleeper, so this was very unusual for me. When I finally got my morning started (hard to avoid with a little boy dragging me around to play blocks, find the doggies, play hide-and-seek, hold his books/toys while he plays with them, etc), I decided to go running. It snowed yesterday at our house, but not at my off we went to their neighborhood!

3.0 mile run on 1/2 mile hilly loop (my watch is broken so I don't have a time total), played around with shortening my stride a bit to hit even more at midfoot and this seemed to require less energy.

First Breakfast (5 a.m., while contemplating my workout): 1 slice gluten free paleo cranberry pecan bread

Second Breakfast:
Bowl of Vitamix drink (1 C coconut milk, 5 stalks kale, 2 bananas, 1 honeycrisp apple, 1 carrot, 6 Tbsp organic ground flaxseed, 2 Tbsp chia seed)

2 sunnyside up Omega-3 eggs
1 Fuyu persimmon

1 bowl Paleo chili (adapted from The Primal Cookbook by Mark Sisson) w/ kale and 1/2 avocado
4 squares hershey's dark chocolate

6 cups water

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