Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pregnancy Week 24: Rest

Asher is cutting teeth and has been waking up at unusual times (3 a.m., 5 a.m.). This morning, he was up at instead of my KB training, I spent some time with him! And then my head started to hurt. My already-low motivation coupled with leg fatigue and headache convinced me to take a day off! I'm not very good at taking rest days, even though I know rest is essential for strength gains...I'm even worse at taking days off while pregnant, for fear that I will lose fitness in a 24-hour period and not be able to regain it (since my goal with exercise during pregnancy is to maintain, not necessarily to increase strength/fitness). This fear is foolish, I know. So, today, the most I did was a stop-and-go 30 min walk with Asher. I'm thankful for the time off!

2 sunnyside up omega 3 eggs
1/2 avocado
1/2 Fuyu persimmon

1 bowl Vitamix drink (1 C coconut milk, 2 bananas, 1 carrot, 2 handfuls spinach, 1 honeycrisp apple, 1/2 c cantalope, 6 Tbsp organic golden ground flaxseed, 2 Tbsp chia seed; Asher also got a small bowl of drink)
1 bowl leftover Hot Pot

1 slice gluten-free Cranberry Walnut bread

1/2 Ribeye steak w/sea salt and pepper
1 C broccoli, sauteed with grapeseed oil and celery salt
3 slices plum

8 cups water

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