Monday, January 3, 2011

Pregnancy Week 32: KB swings and presses

It seems like the Benedryl I took last night had the opposite effect on me, keeping me wide awake instead of making me drowsy. Since I couldn't sleep, I decided to get some KB work done!

High volume swings-various combinations of two-hand and one-hand swings
(10 kg) x 100
(12 kg) x 100

Repeat cycle 5 times for a total of 1000 swings

Then, Tracy Reifkind's "shoulder smoker" with 8 kg (R/L):
1 clean, then military press in descending ladder, x 12, x 10, x 8, x 6, x 4, x 2, x 1

2 sunnyside up Omega 3 eggs w/ 1/2 avocado
1/2 banana

1 GF paleo Chocolate chip scone (from The Gluten-free Almond Flour Cookbook by Elana Amsterdam)

Spinach salad (2 handfuls organic baby spinach, 1 tomato, 1 honeycrisp apple, 2 red pepper and spinach sausages, sliced; balsamic vinegar and olive oil)

1 handful roasted cashews

Organic ground beef stirfry with kale, green onions, organic ground flaxseed substituted for 2 eggs, garlic powder and dried ginger
1 GF paleo Chocolate chip scone

7 cups water

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