Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pregnancy Week 35: KB combination lifts and bodyweight training

As my due date draws nearer, I feel the pressure (literally!) to train my squats even more. Squatting opens up the pelvic outlet, which is certainly a positive thing during birth!

KB clean-military press-overhead squat (10 kg) x 10 each side
Advanced position sideplanks x 18 each side

Repeat cycle 10x

Breakfast (I had what was left of the lunch I made Adam this morning):
Curry beef with spinach, mushroom medley, onions, garlic; 1/2 avocado and 1 diced roma tomato
1 GF paleo Chocolate chip raisin scone (with organic ground flaxseed and chia seed)

Morning snack:
1 GF paleo Chocolate chip raisin scone

Lunch (at 3:30 p.m. LOL! wasn't hungry after the scone!):
Spinach salad with green and red bell peppers, cucumber, balsamic vinegar & olive oil
1 banana with almond butter
1 GF paleo Chocolate chip raisin scone

GF Rockfish Fish sticks (from the Gluten-free Almond Flour Cookbook by Elana Amsterdam) with ketchup
1 scrambled egg (leftover from the fish sticks)
2 kiwi
10 ounces Monavie with glucosamine

6 cups water

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