Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pregnancy Week 33: Saturday Run

I did a nice run today with my 10 YO white German Shepherd Dog Priya. Way back in the day, when I was a marathoner, Priya was my faithful training partner. We'd go for long runs (the longest I ever asked her to run with me was 12 miles--if I had to do more mileage, I would finish those first, then swing back by the house and pick her up for the last 12), many times in the dark, sometimes in the rain, snow and even ice. She was always game, and though I did have to pull her along in the later miles, she was always a good sport and would respond to my encouragement by increasing her speed (for a few steps)! It's been a long time since I've run with her alone; maybe a few years since we've had Odin for 4 years and he is the more hyper (and younger) dog who we try to exercise more. Since I'm eight months along and my pelvis can get wonky easily, I decided to take Priya with me today; Odin can be unpredictable around other dogs/distractions and I didn't want to have to worry about being pulled the wrong way. I had a great time (and I think she did too, especially having Mommy all to herself for once)! I was reminded of the good ol' days...Priya running in front of me, kicking back dirty road water on my legs, stopping to poop and pee in the middle of the road (who has time to go to the curb when one is running, she asks?!), and (after running off her initial energy) settling into a nice stride next to me. Priya was my very first pet (now we have Odin, prior to him, I have fostered several other German Shepherd Dogs), and she is still my best friend!

30 min run with Priya, moderate speed, mostly flat terrain, SIJ belt

Breakfast: (we need to go grocery shopping!)
eaten prior to run: 1 GF paleo Chocolate scone
1 banana

1 can light tuna mixed with 1 diced red pepper and 1/2 avocado, sea salt
4 pieces 70% dark chocolate with mint

3 slices Beef sausage
1 bowl of roasted Brussels sprouts seasoned with Olive oil, dried dill, parsley and basil, sea salt, pepper and fresh garlic
1 Honeycrisp apple

8 cups water

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